The Speakeasy Extra
On The Breath
S1 Ep 7: from People Pleaser to Authentic Communicator, With Allison Kinnear

S1 Ep 7: from People Pleaser to Authentic Communicator, With Allison Kinnear

How the word POLITE can be an acronym for Pissed Off Later In The Evening! Alli shares how her air of confident extroversion masked high anxiety when she worked at Google. We discuss how we've learned to listen to the voices in our heads, and how setting boundaries improves relationships.  Here are some key 'how to's' for lasting change, as well as tips for slowing down communication in sexual situations and beyond.  Plus some humorous anecdotes on the appeal of deep male voices...

Allison Kinnear is a Women's Empowerment Coach and Speaker. For over 22 years she has worked with thousands of people as they navigate their vulnerabilities as parents, employees, and leaders. She loves working with groups in the high-stakes professional world to solve the underlying issues surrounding vulnerability-based leadership. She frequently gives talks on overcoming Impostor Syndrome, effectively managing stress, and building a culture of trust in the workplace.


Alli's website: Allison Kinnear

LinkedIn: Facebook: Allison Kinnear, LLC

HOW TO FIND SJ & THE VIDEO OF THIS PODCAST If you'd like to learn more about my one-on-one coaching or global online programs, here's my website. Here's the video of this podcast interview. This and more, including public speaking tips and reaction videos, can be found on my YouTube Channel. 

The Speakeasy Extra
On The Breath
On the Breath is an intimate exploration of vocal empowerment through personal conversations! Hosted by voice coach, actor and playwright SJ Harrison, On the Breath aims to inspire, delight and inform. Our diverse range of guests include artists, entrepreneurs and business professionals. Voice is emotional, intellectual and physical. Attending to our voices engages us in an ongoing transformative journey. Does this provoke thoughts such as: “Am I attending to my voice? What does this mean? How do others experience this?” Tune in to learn more!